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83% of people in the UK think the government should do more to tackle climate change.

Explore our collection of resources, actions, events and more help centre this election around people, climate and nature.


Ways to get involved

Here's how you can help centre people, climate and nature this election.

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Create or join a Hustings event

Local candidate debates are being organised by people like you up and down the country


Online actions, petitions and more

Find out how you can sway the election through online action


Join the Running Out of Time Relay

Learn more about the country's biggest sporting event for the climate


Attend training events

Find trainings to help you feel equipped as a campaigner


Speak to your candidates

Guides and ideas to speak directly to your candidate and sway their opinion


Get involved in the Great Big Green Week

Join the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action


Latest from across the campaign

Explore our wall of activity from the hub

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Email your candidates

Ask your parliamentary candidates to commit to tackle climate change, protect nature and support the hardest hit.

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Attend a local hustings

Find local hustings to attend and support here

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Add your hustings event to the map

Planning a local hustings? Feature your event on our map of hustings taking place across the UK!

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Wildlife Trusts ‘Nature Who Cares?’ poster

The Wildlife Trusts have produced a poster resource to add to your window or use as a prompt at local hustings


RSPB manifesto reviews

Check out the RSPB’s easy to digest reviews of each of the party manifestos, and whether and how they stack up for nature’s restoration, and climate


General election 2024 manifestos: final scores

Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace have undertaken a detailed scoring of each of the manifestos and how they address key climate policies.


Uncover fake climate news

Opponents of climate action will use the general election to spread climate fake news - hoping to influence our votes and derail support for climate action. Global Action Plan have developed a crowdsourced reporting tool.


Top tips

Need some help in planning or delivering your hustings event? Or just want to know more about how to engage your parliamentary candidates on climate and nature? Watch our short top tips videos!

About us

83% of people in the UK think the government should do more to tackle climate change.

Public support for climate and nature action is both massive and mainstream. Yet political commitments as they currently stand mean we're failing to meet both domestic goals, and our obligations to support those across the world to tackle the impacts of the climate crisis.

People across the UK are already taking action to tackle climate change and protect nature.

It’s time for politicians from all political parties to follow suit and commit to ambitious action ahead of the UK general election and in the first crucial months of the new parliament, in this critical decade for our planet.

We’re calling on all political parties to commit to cut emissions, restore nature and support the hardest hit at home and around the world.

We are united for people, climate and nature.


United for People, Climate and Nature is a campaign developed by The Climate Coalition. Learn more about us here.

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